Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Overall Portfolio Summarization and HCI experience

Human Computer Interaction class was a new concept for me so that interested me to take this class. After enrolling and attending first class i came to the conclusion this class is good and i was excited. This class was a project based class and presentation based. The class let and helped innovative brains to think. Class was divided into projects groups of 4 people consisting of Graduate and Under Graduate students. After class meetings and meetings outside the class with project members we came up with the idea of forming using the concepts of Social media , Web 2.0 and HCI and came up with the idea of working on a Project called GEOTUNES: The Underground. This project after much brainstorming and several project presentations we refined our ideas and after conducting research and experiments. Throughout the semester I have learned to more objectively look at my interaction with things in the world and assess their benefits and deficits in my life. We teamed up well in class as a group and under our professors guidance and reviews we came up with better ideas. We researched the internet, read a lot of CHI and HCI related papers related to the project and contributed to learning HCI.
   The final presentation, literature review and writing a CHI paper was a great experience and it help me think , innovate ideas and work in a group. Writing a CHI paper in the conference format and using the various ideas and experimental results was a great experience which is worth mentioning in the portfolio. Overall this class was a great experience which improved my presentation skills and listening and understanding other groups projects was a learner.

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